The Sims 4 Cats And Dogs DLC Origin CD Key Global
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Create a variety of cats and dogs, add them to your Sims’ homes to forever change their lives and care for neighbourhood pets as a veterinarian with The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs. The powerful new Create A Pet tool lets you personalise cats and dogs, each with their own unique appearances, distinct behaviours and for the first time, expressive outfits! These wonderful, lifelong companions will change your Sims’ lives in new and special ways. Treat animal ailments as a veterinarian and run your own clinic in a beautiful coastal world where there’s so much for your Sims and their pets to discover.
Create cats and dogs - Use the powerful Create A Pet tool to customise your Sims’ perfect cats, dogs, puppies and kittens. Choose from a variety of breeds, give them distinct personalities and directly manipulate their features.
Bond with your pets - Experience the companionship and fun that furry friends bring to your Sims’ lives. Cats and dogs have minds of their own and form special relationships with Sims based on their daily interactions.
Become a vet and run a clinic - Build a veterinary clinic, hire a dedicated staff and further your career as the town’s most promising animal doctor.
Explore Brindleton Bay - Discover the coastal shores of Brindleton Bay, a new world where your Sims and their pets can live and enjoy outdoor activities.
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