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  • The Rumors is False That Fallout 76 Will Be Free

    Čas: Jan. 23, 2019

    After the players questioned Fallout 76 Bethesda Key's sales data and realized the controversy surrounding the game, there were rumors that Bethesda had gone from a high-end product to a free design. This is a step that a company normally takes to recoup sales on a game that could have gone below average. Bethesda, however, made it public and said that the game will not be free.

    However, all these problems are detached from the game itself, which shows no signs of reorientation or redesign for free game purposes. However, in several communities, discussions have repeatedly shown that gambling can be played for free.

    As a result, some people assume that if Bethesda no longer sells the game as a premium package in certain stores of certain areas, Bethesda would certainly try to earn money through an online store with micro-transactions. Now that Bethesda has shown up to deny that the rumors are true, players can be sure not to play Fallout 76 Bethesda Key as a free game title anytime soon.

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