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  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Brings Double XP This Weekend

    Čas: Jan. 25, 2019

    Get ready to gain some levels this weekend in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 for Double XP will come to the latest franchise game. The Double XP and Double Weapon XP versions are available to Black Ops 4 Multiplayer from this Friday to Monday.

    This is an excellent opportunity for all multiplayer fans to increase their account and prestige in Black Ops 4. In addition, double Weapon XP allows you to quickly unlock important attachments, if the you haven't the gun you want.

    Unfortunately for Zombies and Blackout fans, this double XP weekend is reserved for the multiplayer mode of Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 Voucher Key.

    Be sure to stock up on the energy drinks and snacks you need. This could be a long weekend of the Call of Duty gameplay. The double XP weekend will officially start on January 25 at 12:00 CT.

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